Updated on  September 24, 2024
4 min read

Types of High-Definition Glasses

6 sources cited
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What are HD Glasses?

High-definition (HD) glasses improve your vision more than regular eyeglasses. Regular corrective lenses give you 20/20 vision, but some people see subtle distortions.

HD glasses correct these irregularities and offer the sharpest possible HD vision, no matter the conditions. They are available with an anti-glare coating, so the wearer gets as clear and accurate a view as possible.

Higher-order aberrations cause distortions. Corrective lenses alleviate nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism but don’t give you perfect vision.

This is due to the optical limitations of regular lenses or the natural characteristics of your eyes.

HD lens technology offers the highest level of vision improvement available with glasses. They are available in high-index, photochromic, bifocal, or progressive lenses.

These lenses are customized to create sharper images, brighter colors, and crisp focus. You’ll see things through HD lenses as if you were seeing them with natural vision.

Where to Buy Glasses + Contacts

Best Overall: Warby Parker

Fastest Delivery: EyeBuyDirect

Also Great: Liingo

Best Place to Buy Contacts: Discount Contacts

Pros & Cons of HD Glasses

HD glasses are great because they let you correct vision problems and enjoy clear, sharp images. But they might not be right for everyone.

Pros of HD glasses include:

  • 20/20 vision with no distortion
  • Wider peripheral vision
  • Reduction of digital eye strain
  • Glare reduction
  • Elimination of light halos
  • Brighter, more intense color

Cons of HD glasses:

  • Not too helpful for people with very poor vision
  • Takes doctors longer to create the prescription
  • More expensive than regular glasses

HD glasses aren’t harmful if your vision is poor, but most people do not see much difference from conventional, less-expensive lenses.

Types of High-Definition Glasses

There are two types of high-definition glasses: free-form and wavefront lenses.

Free-Form Lenses

Most HD glasses are free-form lenses. Free-form is a manufacturing process that reduces higher-order aberrations such as halos or glares.

Computer-controlled surfacing equipment is used to manufacture free-form lenses, making them more precise.

Some benefits of free-form lenses are:

  • Eliminates spherical aberrations
  • Makes nighttime driving safer and more comfortable
  • Entirely customizable
  • Takes into account the position and angle of the lenses on someone’s eyes
  • Gives the most accurate lens power and sharpest vision available

Some of the most popular HD lenses include:

  • Essilor 360 DS 
  • Hoya NuLux EP 
  • Clarlet Individual 
  • Hoyalux iD MyStyle 
  • Zeiss Progressive Individual 2 
  • Seiko Supercede 
  • Varilux Physio DRx 

Wavefront Lenses

Wavefront lenses are more advanced than free-form HD glasses. They have the following benefits:

  • More customizable
  • Corrects higher-order aberrations
  • Provides sharper vision than regular eyeglass lenses.
  • Helps you see better in low-light environments. 
  • Improves contrast and color vision.

HD glasses improve lingering vision issues after LASIK and other refractive eye surgeries.

If you invest in wavefront lenses, your doctor will measure your eyes with the Zeiss i.Profiler Plus. This is a three-in-one automated device designed to measure three factors:

This data is gathered and sent to the optical lab that manufactures these custom-made HD lenses.

Studies show drivers driving at night wearing wavefront lenses detected, recognized, and reacted to a pedestrian on the side of the road 20 feet sooner than when wearing conventional glasses.1

This makes wavefront glasses the most powerful night vision glasses available. HD night vision is clear and accurate, which makes driving safer. They also make great driving sunglasses for the daytime.

When Should You Wear HD Lenses?

You should wear HD lenses whenever you want crisp, clear, vividly colored vision. They’re ideal for people who can attain 20/20 vision with corrective eyewear.

HD glasses are for you if you don’t like how things look through your current glasses. They’re also great for:

  • Nighttime
  • Low-light environments
  • When you want to see colors vividly
  • During the use of “screens,” when you might wear blue light glasses
  • Reading

Cost of High-Definition Eyewear

They are more expensive than conventional lenses because of the customization and the technology required to create them. 

In most cases, you will pay 25 to 30 percent more for HD glasses than a pair of conventional glasses with the same design.

Many people who invest in HD lenses believe they are worth the extra cost. Some people use them as night driving glasses because they reduce glare and light halos. This is especially true for those who were never happy with their conventional glasses. 

Best Places to Buy Glasses

Best Overall

Warby Parker has stylish, high-quality frames at affordable prices.

Also Great

Liingo Eyewear is another great option to buy glasses online.

Best on a Budget

EyeBuyDirect has a wide variety of budget frames starting at $6.

Best Places to Buy Contacts

Best Overall

Discount Contacts is our #1 recommendation to buy contacts online.

glasses usa logo
Also Great

GlassesUSA has a huge selection of contacts, glasses, & sunglasses.

Updated on  September 24, 2024
6 sources cited
Updated on  September 24, 2024
  1. Schallhorn, Steve C., et al. “Comparison of Night Driving Performance after Wavefront-Guided and Conventional LASIK for Moderate Myopia.” Ophthalmology, 2020.
  2. “Refractive Errors | National Eye Institute.” Nih.Gov, 2022.
  3. Tubert, David. “Nearsightedness: What Is Myopia?” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2022.
  4. “Farsightedness (Hyperopia).” National Eye Institute, 2020.
  5. Delfaro, Annie. “How to Choose Eyeglasses for Vision Correction.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2022.
  6. Hagan JC 3rd, Cable MM, Doane JF. "Grinding it out: wavefront spectacle lens in clinical practice." Mo Med, 2011.
The information provided on VisionCenter.org should not be used in place of actual information provided by a doctor or a specialist.