Updated on  August 11, 2024
4 min read

Tips on How to Adjust Glasses at Home

6 sources cited
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If your glasses feel loose or uncomfortable, you might not need a trip to the doctor. In this article, we'll guide you through some simple steps to adjust your glasses at home. 

We'll cover everything from tightening screws to adjusting nose pads and even offer tips for different frame materials.

How To Adjust Your Glasses At Home

As long as your glasses aren’t broken, you can always adjust them at home. However, you might need an optometric screwdriver or a small screwdriver.

If you want to tighten your glasses, use a screwdriver at the screws located at the temple hinge on both sides. Turn the screw clockwise until there’s resistance. Make sure you don’t tighten it too hard because it can strip the screw or snap the frames.

Anatomy of a Frame

If you want to adjust the arms to better fit your ears, you can manually bend the eyeglasses by twisting the earpieces inward toward your head. This works best with wireframes.

If you’re adjusting plastic frame glasses, make the plastic pliable by warming it up in hot or warm water before bending it.

How to Adjust Metal Frames

Traditional metal frames are the easiest style of glasses to adjust. You can use your hands or pliers to adjust the specific part that needs changing.

Just hold the frames with your non-dominant hand and rotate your other hand or pliers until you’ve made your adjustments. However, be sure to make small adjustments and stop to try them on before making more adjustments.

How to Adjust Plastic Frames

Adjusting glasses with plastic frames is more difficult than metal frames, but it’s still possible to do it at home. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Warm your glasses using hot water or a hairdryer for about 30 seconds to two minutes. This allows you to bend them as much as you need. 
  2. Bend the arm in the direction you need and hold it there until the plastic cools. 
  3. Make sure to wait until they’re cool before trying them on.  
  4. You can move the nose pieces or pads farther or closer together to adjust the bridge of your glasses. 

Don’t try to bend plastic glasses without heating them first, the plastic is brittle and may snap. If unsure, it’s best to take your glasses to an optician.

Where to Buy Glasses + Contacts

Best Overall: Warby Parker

Fastest Delivery: EyeBuyDirect

Also Great: Liingo

Best Place to Buy Contacts: Discount Contacts

Tips for Tightening and Adjusting Glasses

Making small tweaks to your glasses can make a big difference in comfort and how secure your glasses are. Here are some of our practical tips for adjusting your glasses:

  • You can dab a bit of clear nail polish or specialized eyeglass screw adhesive to prevent the screws from loosening again.
  • When adjusting nose pads, adjust them equally to maintain balance and ensure a comfortable fit.
  • Place your glasses upside down on a flat surface. If one arm is higher than the other, that’s the one you need to adjust.
  • When adjusting metal frames, gently bend the higher temple arm down at the hinge or where it curves around your ear. If needed, bend the lower arm up slightly.

It’s important to understand that these are just basic adjustments. If you have more complex issues or feel uncertain about adjusting your glasses at home, you must visit an optician.

How to Find Out If Your Glasses Need Adjustments?

Even with the best care, glasses can sometimes wear down and need adjustments. Here are some signs that you need to adjust them:

If these problems persist after adjustments have been made, don’t hesitate to visit an optician. This is especially true if you’re experiencing blurry or distorted vision, which could indicate that you need a new prescription.

Glasses Maintenance Tips

If you want your glasses to last, you’ll need to take care of them to ensure they’re comfortable. Taking good care of your glasses also helps keep your vision sharp and clear.

Here are some daily habits you can do to maintain your glasses:

  • Clean your glasses with lukewarm water and mild dish soap. Rinse them thoroughly and dry them with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent the buildup of oils, dirt, and other debris.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to clean your glasses. They are specially designed to be gentle on delicate lenses and don’t leave behind scratches.
  • Store your glasses in a case to prevent damaging them accidentally.
  • Avoid extreme heat, like leaving them in hot cars or on the dashboard. This can warp your frames, especially if they’re made of plastic.

With a little patience and the right techniques, you can often make small tweaks that make a big difference in how your glasses feel and function.

Remember, these are basic adjustments. If you have any concerns about your vision or the condition of your glasses, don't hesitate to seek professional advice.

Best Places to Buy Glasses

Best Overall

Warby Parker has stylish, high-quality frames at affordable prices.

Also Great

Liingo Eyewear is another great option to buy glasses online.

Best on a Budget

EyeBuyDirect has a wide variety of budget frames starting at $6.

Best Places to Buy Contacts

Best Overall

Discount Contacts is our #1 recommendation to buy contacts online.

glasses usa logo
Also Great

GlassesUSA has a huge selection of contacts, glasses, & sunglasses.

Updated on  August 11, 2024
6 sources cited
Updated on  August 11, 2024
  1. How To Tighten Glasses at Home.” Warby Parker, 2022.
  2. How To Tighten Your Glasses at Home.” FramesDirect.
  3. Delfaro, A. “Eyeglasses: How to Choose Glasses for Vision Correction.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2023.
  4. How to Take Care of Your Eyeglasses.” Consumer Reports, 2012.
  5. Porter, D. “Learn the Nine Essential Parts of Eyeglasses.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2017.
  6. How to Adjust Glasses at Home.” Glasses.com, 2023.
The information provided on VisionCenter.org should not be used in place of actual information provided by a doctor or a specialist.